Monday, October 4, 2010

Law Orientation Day One

As many of you may have noticed, today is my first day of orientation at law school. Yes law school. It took me about forty minutes to reach my destination. and then I waited for an hour ++ for the MPH to be opened. Today was mostly talks and talks and talks.

There were forty students excluding me in the law program. We will be divided into four groups for tutorials. Classes would be ranging from 8-4 everyday except for Wednesday as Wednesday would be a field trip day. Made quite a number of friends today actually.

We ate lunch together, went on campus tour, library tour, made new student ID, gotten the car park sticker, hmm what else? yay finally, I started exchanging phone numbers :D Time for my phone to get useful again!

The way the deputy dean explained everything was really intimidating,
I'm hoping to smoothly make it through this one year. *Pray to God*
and I'll sacrifice anything to make it there :)
Mark my words.

Tomorrow would be another long day.

Dear Law, I'm ready to be mind-fcuked :)

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