Monday, June 28, 2010


Oh, I've been doing really short posts for the past few days >.<

Anyway, I was really busy with PE1 activities and also READING!
So into reading lah nowadays, tempting novels, they are EVIL!
I found passion in reading novels again <3

So basically, today I'm feeling really good.
Hasn't been feeling this way for quite a long long time.
Especially this morning when I stepped out of that green hospital robe.
Like seriously, I don't get excited that often.
The last time was ages ago, hmmm, like when I won a few bets in Venetian Macao's casino :/

Oh well, for the umpteenth time, I'm exciteeedddd!
Coz it's Redang tomorrow until Thursday :)
and then it's Tioman on the following week :)
and then SABAH.
It's time to explore Malaysia LOL.

So I'll be leaving my blog for a few days.
Oh, maybe I'll update in Redang (if I could get my hands on wifi)
I really need to pack now.
The next time I do a long post, please don't blame me for camwhoring too much xD


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